

Top 5 FAQs

Submit your information via the link below, you will then be requested to e-mail a copy of your insurance policy. Your documents will then undergo an initial assessment, if eligible to claim your case will be allocated to our panel of solicitors who will be in touch within 7 – 14 days.
Start Your Assessment
Category: Top 5 FAQs

Insurance companies will be dealing with many hundreds of thousands of claims as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our panel of solicitors will ensure that your claim is presented properly and calculated accurately. That means you should be at the front of the queue when insurance companies pay out and there is less likelihood of your claim being returned to you because of missing information or insufficient data.

In addition, our panel of solicitors will quantify your losses to ensure you get the maximum pay out you deserve and will not allow the insurance company to escape their responsibility.

Category: Top 5 FAQs

> After you have submitted your online enquiry form, we will request a copy of your business insurance policy. An initial assessment of your documents will determine whether or not you may be eligible to claim.

> If so, your case will be sent on to our panel of solicitors for a more in-depth review of your policy wording.

> If they think your case has prospects of success they will take the case on, on a ‘No Win, No Fee basis’.

> If your case is successful the solicitor may take up to 25% of the damages you receive from your insurance company, reflecting the work they have undertaken on your behalf. Although, this will be subject to your individual circumstances and the actual fee may be more or less.

Follow the link below to start your claim:

Start Your Assessment



Category: Top 5 FAQs

If you feel that your insurer has unfairly refused to pay out under the terms of your policy, our panel of solicitors will give you the option of bringing legal action against them. This may force the insurer to re-evaluate their position and decide to pay the policy.

We are happy to be able to offer a free assessment of your insurance policy, if eligible to claim the solicitor will act on your behalf on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis.


No Win, No Fee is a term used to describe an agreement between a Solicitor and a Claimant. It states that in this instance, the Claimant cannot be charged if their Business Interruption insurance claim is unsuccessful.

However, if your case is successful the solicitor may take up to 25% of the compensation awarded, although this will be subject to your individual circumstances and the actual fee may be more or less than this.

In some circumstances the solicitor may wish to insure the case with an “after the event” insurance policy, this will be done on a case by case basis. If you terminate the agreement with your solicitor outside of the ‘cooling off’ period or before the case is concluded you may be charged for the work done on your behalf. The charges are calculated on a hourly rate. The hourly rate may differ according to the geographical location and experience of the solicitor.

Category: Top 5 FAQs

To start your claim we will need a copy of your insurance policy documents that covered you during the forced closure of your business in March 2020 and a copy of any renewal documents:
• Insurance Certificate.
• Policy Schedule (7-8 pages long, includes headlines of what is included in your policy).
• Policy Wording (full insurance policy 40-100 pages long).

Should you not be able to locate your documents, we would recommend that you personally contact your insurer to obtain it.

Category: Top 5 FAQs

Our panel of solicitors have achieved success for a number of businesses across the country in a number of different sectors. Please click the link below to read an article about a pub owner who achieved success using our panel of solicitors: https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/19140520.dyke-pub-brighton-saved-thanks-28-000-settlement/

Category: Top 5 FAQs